Tuesday, April 10, 2012

White Hills- Oddity II and III (White Hills Music)

These two limited CD-Rs came out in 2012. Oddity II you were able to get when you ordered the Frying on this Rock LP from Thrill Jockey. It features around 50 mins of music including a longer version of the bands Hawkwind cover, Be Yourself. A remix of Game to Play and an outtake track heads on Fire and a brand new jam. Pretty cool stuff. Oddity III was sold for 15£ on the bands recent European tour and I was lucky to get one. It is all material that was recorded live to two track and features Antronhy on synths on the first and 5th tracks. It is a mix of spacey WH like material and with some more uptempo guitar driven moments but mostly just very spaced! Cast the Legion lightly upon it’s head starts really spaced for a long time and then they come up into a jam but it only lasts about 4 mins and ends. Still cool. Soft Forlorn Grinding is a slow three piece jam with some spacey guitar, a bit lazy vibe to it. The last track, Before Leaving Earth is a long monster space out track with all sorts of rock, space, noise things going on… Check this stuff out if you can. This track lasts nearly 20mins.. Creative people…

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