This is a site where I post reviews of CDs, DVDs, LPs, and concerts. I have been writing music reviews on and off since 1984. I ran a heavy metal fanzine from 1984-1988 called Metal Madness and have been a staff writer for Aural Innovations for many years. I have also contributed to Chrohinga Well (RIP), Bad Acid (RIP), Lowcut (RIP), Roadburn and a number of other zines as well. I recently moved to Portugal so please request the new address and do not send any music to Denmark anymore. Tak..
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Deep Space Destructors- III (Self Released)

7 and 7 is (Fruits der Mer Records Crustacean 51-57)
what is 7 and 7 is??? This is a box set of 7 7 inches by 8 different bands
doing cover songs of 8 different bands from the 60s. I think it is a bit
strange they had 8 bands and not 7, since this ruins the whole 7 theme, oh
well. The Bevis Frond plays Clearlight, the Higher State do 13th
Floor Elevators, The Chemistry Set plays LOVE, Sendidelica plays the United
States of America, King Penguin the Byrds, The Gathering Grey plays Moby Grape
and Black Tempest (plays Spirit) and The 7th ring of Saturn the Grateful
dead… Since I also love most of these bands this was a great to hear the take
on these songs by these cool, mostly UK bands. Most of the versions are pretty
true to the original, as I guess people consider these to be truly classic
songs and you should not fuck with them too much. A highly enjoyable set of 7”
Switchblade Jesus (Bilocation Records 018)
is a five piece US band playing hard edged heavy stoner rock with a fistful of
riffs and grooves to get the earth shaking. The singer, has a quite rough voice
but it fits the vibe of the music well. Each side of the record has 4 tracks,
mostly about the same length of 3-6 mins each except the short intro song on
side A. Into Nothing starts things off with a soft acoustic guitar before you
get dragged into the groove with Bastard Son which is a great song with some
cool wah guitar. The Wolves really speeds things up and Sick Mouth is just a
nasty song, with a hard riff, almost heavy metal at times but a killer groove.
Equinox has another heavy down tuned stoner riff and a vocal that reminds me a
bit of Zakk Wylde and Black Label Society. Renegade Riders kicks the groove up
an notch. Copperhead does not change things much and is another mid-paced and
melodic track with that nasty riffing guitar that is characteristic of this
band. This track has a guitar solo though. Oblivion is the longest track on the
record at over 6mins. This track has a sort of intro and then it starts to pick
up and it features some cool guitar parts as well. I don’t know if the band
would agree but I think they sound a bit like a stoner rock version of Black
label Society without the over the top solos. Pretty cool record..
Simones- Majic Ship 7” (Fruits der Mer Records Crustacean 50)
Simones is a US based underground musician who records all his own music like
Nick Saloman used to do in the old days and is pretty secretive. Anyway, Keith
at the label finally got Al to provide two original tracks for a cool 7” record
for the label and that is what you have here. Majic Ship, rings in at nearly 6
mins and has this low fi home recording sound and vocal but there is something
very special about his raw sound. The psychedelic guitar solo that jumps out at
you around 1½ mins really caught me by surprise but it fades away quickly into
the acoustic section and then back to the main song theme again. Seize the
Moment is about 5mins and features both acoustic and electric guitar in a very
nice mix to start the track before the bass and drums kicks in. Again, a very
distinct psychedelic guitar pops in and out at different times during the song.
The mid section is quite heavy with some cool guitar. This is a great 7” if you
are a fan of early Bevis Frond stuff.
Domadora- Tibetan Monk (Bilocation Records 25)
have never heard of this band and it is not at all what you might think based
on the titles. No throat singing meditation music here.. the opening track is a
like a massive crescendo as if the band is ending the concert or record but
this is just the beginning of some killer mostly instrumental heavy jamming stoner
rock from France. The band is a trio and after the opening track they go into
the awesome Ziggy Jam. This track really captured all the things I love about
heavy, spacey, stoner music… Killer sound and great guitar by Belwil. Naïroya
is a 12½ min track that starts side B in a slow blues with some nice bass lines
and guitar with a little bit of delay on it. Gradually the whole thing gains
intensity as Belwil speeds up the guitar soloing although at bit repetitive at
time. Intense track. Chased and Caught
is the first track with vocals and ends side B. It has a cool catchy groove and
reminds me of someone else?? The 2nd
LP is quite short with only a 13 min long track called the Oldest Man on the
Left on side C and two short songs, only 11mins of music on side D. The Oldest
Man has a repetitive riff and groove that goes on for quite a while before the
track comes down and there are some vocal samples as Belwil builds up the
spacey wah guitar intensity and all instruments except the guitar disappear and
then the original bass returns and they go into another grooving jam but no
more intense soloing. Cool track. Side D starts with the 9 min Domadora jam. This
is a pretty hard edged jam with some solos at the beginning but a long with
stoned repeated groove for the last half of the song.. Pretty stoned… Wild
Animal Skin (only 1:19 long) ends the record with a short piece that sounds
like a tiny part of a jam that maybe did not go where they thought it would so
they just took this melodic section. Solid rocking album.. Hope to catch them
Buffalo Tooth/Creepers- Split 7” (Under the Gun Records 024)
is a pretty cool split 7” from two SF bay area bands. Side A starts with
Buffalo Tooth, are a trio with two of the three members from the band Glitter
Wizard. This does not sound anything like Glitter Wizard, just to let you know.
Their track is called Shit Show and is a very short 2½ min song. I don’t know
how to describe this but it is fast, frantic, crazy high energy raw rock and
roll… Very low fi but powerful stuff.. Flip the red vinyl over and remember it
plays on 33rpm for the Creepers. Memory Fog starts off quite mysterious, and
you might say creepy, with a sort of surfy like guitar and reverbed vocals but
the track slowly builds up especially the drums as it all gets faster and then
the break and a more melodic section that reminds me a bit of 80s King Crimson
(the melodic elements) meets Pink Floyd 1969. Cool song even though I would
like some lead guitar and not just the melodic theme repeated over and over and
over. This track is nearly 6mins. I don't know how many of these they pressed.. Check it out.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Burg Herzberg Festival 2014
Thursday July 31st
7:30 I picked up the van at 22
last night and we are waiting for the Swedes to arrive and then we will load up
my stuff, the merch and their stuff and go pick up Nick, Birk and Mogens at
Mogen’s place. This is a great van and we will have plenty of space. These
Mercedes vans are great. We pay 98€ a day with 400 free KM a day.
8:45 We are packing the van at
Mogen’s place now and the weather is beautiful today. I have programmed the GPS
for Sabine’s place so hopefully we will get there without getting lost. Says we
should arrive at 12:15! I highly doubt that.
11:10 We are in the cue for the
ferry now. We just missed one by a few mins so we have to wait 30m more mins.
Not that big a cue and we had no problem buying a ticket, since we had not
booked one in advance. 113€ one way though.. We heard Afrobeat Nirvana, Black
Sabbath- Born Again, Pothead- Dessicated soup on the way to the ferry.
12:00 We are just about to leave
the ferry now. We got cokes, had our schnitzel and have Siena Root- Root jam
cranked up on the stereo.
14:15 We finally made it after some hassle since
one of the roads to Sabine’s was closed and we had to figure out how to go a
different way.. This part of hamburg is so tricky… Anyway, mats will drive now.
Sabine greated us all with a cup of fruit, which was really nice and refreshing
as it is a hot day. We are now hearing Antibalas- Who is this America?. Great
15:30 So much highway work. A1 was
closed so we have to take A7 now. Says we have 344 km to Burg Herzberg. I am
glad that I am not driving with this crazy two lanes stuff. The van is so wide
it is a bit nerve racking on these small lanes. You get really close to the
other cars and trucks. Now we hear some Kenyan Jazz from Mogens CD collection.
Some cool stuff but a bit mellow for driving. I would fall asleep..
16:41 We just had a break at a gas
station… We still have 211km to go on this highway and it says about 2½ hrs
left. we will see. We are listening to Frank Zappa- Joe’s garage Parts 1-3.
This is a pretty rude record for the two ladies in the van but I think I was
the only one who thought of that.
17:30 Look to be about 1½ hrs away
and we have to get gas for the first time soon.. No way we are going to see Blues Pills.. Oh well...
19:15 We arrived to the Freak
Stage area but the guy there had no band listed for Øresund Space Collective
and he had to call some people to confirm we were playing and allow us into the
site. This all took some time and he is sending us to another place now. Pretty
20:30 We are finally at the tents now and have driven the van through the
festival site. Some places are very muddy. The guys said it rained like hell
the week before the festival and was just drying up now. Lots of mosture in the
air. We have no sleep mattress yet but they will come. Our contact at the Freak
Stage is Freddy. She seems very cool. The Moroccan food place was great. It is
one of 4 places we can use our food coupons.
24:00 I am very tired. We only
managed to see MOE, a US jam band
and not really anyone else this night.. Off to bed…
Friday Aug 1st
9:00 It was a bit chaotic last
night and we were promised food and drink for the entire festival, tents with
sleep mattress (the pump did not work properly and we were all tired)….. and we
did get this (1 meal ticket and 5 drink tickets for three days) for the most
part in the end but it was a lot of talking back and forth. Freddy was very
cool though but it still was not what we should have since some of our members
are quite poor and unemployed, etc… I
gave 20€ to Birk, Nick and mats to help them out with the food costs. We are
sleeping about 10m from the Freak stage and about the same distance to the
toilets, so it is hardly a good location but we will manage. I think the band
finished around 2 last night but the reggae café seem to go til 6 in the morning
before it was quiet! There are no sources of water to wash your hands anywhere
around here, which is terrible. The showers are like 1km away and the source of
fresh water 500m. we get free bottled water and apple juice in the backstage
but nothing else.
The sun is shinning on the tent
and I feel like I hardly slept last night. It is hot and sticky during the day
and damp at night. MOE was really
good. Lots of long jams and cool interaction between the two guitar players and
Last night we met Uli, one of the
folks from the Zappanle festival in Northern Germany. a good friend of Sabines, and he has been so kind to
allow us to set up our merch where he is selling records and cds.. Super nice
man.. Sabine, Sue and I carried the stuff over and set up a stand.
11:30 Mike from Space Invaders came and visited us at
our camp and invited us to play at 17 up at their camp site, where they have a
stage set up. They have a full PA and backline. This will be fun and cool… The
first bands start at 13:30, which is cool. Not too early. The distances between
the three stages (Main, Freak and Mental) is not so far.
12:00 Sue and I found a good place
for lunch, where they make fresh pizzas. The ham and feta was good. It is hot but there is a nice breeze and some
clouds now and then. We also had some nice cold mint tea at another café place.
Rogues from County Hell |
Rosaria Smowing |
Moe Acoustic |
19:45 We just had a really fun
concert for like 75mins at the Space
Invaders camp. Mike from Space Invaders played guitar on a couple of jams,
their drummer Dennis took over from Birk and another drummer named Simon played on the
last jam. Mats played guitar first and also bass later. I guess around 60
people were checking this show out. It was quite fun. It was recorded and most
of it video taped as well. This was a great warm up for the big gig tomorrow and everyone was in a great mood. I wish we had been able to promote it more. Check out the audio HERE.
Audience early on in our show at the Höllenschuppen |
Purple Rain |
Space Invaders with Horst! |
Space Invaders played a quick 40min set with Horst from the psychedelic network joining in on some space sounds. Normally this band is more stoned, laid back and spaced out but this was a high energy Hawkwind inspired set. Fun band and super nice people.
24:00 The Crimson Projekct was great (see pic below). They played nearly all 80-90’s KC
songs plus some of their own Adrian Below trio and Stickman songs plus a Fripp
solo album track. They played Lark’s tongues and Aspic and one other 70s track
plus Indiscipline, 3 of a Perfect pair, Frame by Frame, Thrack, Sleepless and a
few other tracks.
I was too blasted to stay up to
see Big Elf at 01:00 or the reggae
band Six Nation (but we heard them as we were sleeping or trying right next to
the stage….)
Aug 2nd (day 3)
Marblewood |
14:00 I really enjoyed the short Marblewood set on the Mental stage. They had played around two gigs at other places in the festival site the day before and just before this set they did another set of improve stuff. The set we saw was tracks from the album.
Mister Mississippi |
Chromb! |
17:00 We saw a good part of the Martin Barre concert and he did a mix
of stuff from his new solo record, a Gov’t Mule cover (Thorazine Shuffle) and
of course Jethro Tull songs. In most cases he had played around with the
arrangements a lot and he had a guy who played sax and clarinet instead of
flute. It was fun but he has really messed with the songs so I think it was a
bit much for many people but cool to hear some obscure ones like Song for
Jeffery and Teacher.
Martin Barre (previously of Jethro Tull) |
Gypsy Ska Orquesta |
21:00 Did not see much of the Gypsy Ska Orquesta. What I did hear though, they were really uptempo all the time. No let up at all. Intense. but we heard a bit of Grained, a high energy Nirvana inspired band. They really put on a great show and rocked the place including at least two Nirvana tracks. The guitar player was the sweatiest guy I saw at the festival.. just dripping wet…. I did manage to speak to Stefan from Colour Haze backstage for 15mins and that was so nice to see him. I wished him well and a great concert but sadly neither of us would get to see each other’s bands.
22:00 The entire band, we are all
just hanging out and drinking some water and talking about the show. It has
been really hot and draining today but everyone has been taking it easy and not
partying today so we can give the best show possible.
Grained |
Coogan's bluff |
Day 4 (Aug 3rd)
![]() |
Mats, our guitarist |
Sue and I more or less just hung
out at the Freak Stage so we could sell some merch and meet the fans and we saw
a lot of good bands here today. I never made it over to the main stage except
to see Kraan. Octafish were a very
cool King Crimson meets Dixie Dregs like band. Fantastic music.. Dr Krapula (Columbia) were just fucking
amazing and one of the bands I liked the best of the entire festival. A super
great live
band mixing rock, roots reggae and ska in a cool way with Spanish
words. People were totally into it including myself… Wow… I could see they
played here just a couple of years ago as well. Carpet played some dreamy psychedelic rock stuff that some of it
was very cool. We heard most of this set in the tent though as it is pouring
down rain now. I hope this does not last too long or the place will be very
muddy and we might have trouble getting the van out tomorrow. Zodiac
really rocked the place and did a nice cover of Blue Jean Blues by ZZTOP and
also Cortez the Killer, like they did at Freak Valley. Nice guys as well
Dr Krapula |
We saw most of the set by this
young 70s rock band called the Dues
on the mental stage. The young guitar player was sporting a Taste shirt! They
ended their set with a cool cover of Maybe I’m a Leo by Deep Purple.
22:30 KRAAN played about an 80min set and we had a great spot near the
center and the sound was fantastic. They had some pretty cool visuals and the
three piece was great. They started off a bit slow but the last 45mins of the
concert, especially the encore was really excellent. Great bass playing and he
really turned up the guitar playing a notch as well. Most of their music was
instrumental and I think a mix of old and new stuff. They looked like they were
having fun but I could not understand what he said to the audience.
01:00 Baby Woodrose cancelled due
to illness, which really surprised me as I had just seen Guf outside Neil young
the 3 nights ago and he seemed excited to play this festival. He had no idea we
were playing. Anyway, the replacement was Monkey
3! I don’t think anyone complained about that. They had a huge crowd and
delivered a great show. I still like their older stuff and am not too keen on
the last two records I have heard but they do a good live show. Great
Monkey 3 |
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