Pee is a New York based record label. I
have been a friend with Kenny (one of the owners) for some years. He leads the
band Mirror Queen. Anyway, the label was kind enough to send me a stack of the
latest releases on the label so I will go through and make some reviews. Enjoy.
Joy- Ride Along (TPE183-2)

Blaak Heat- Shifting Mirrors
Blaak Heat is a very cool band
originally from Paris. This is the bands 3rd album since 2008. I
have been lucky to see them twice here in Portugal (Reverence Festival and
Sonic Blast). The core of the band is a
three piece (Thomas, Henry, Mike) but 6 additional guests on the record join
them. I have never heard any of their records but man this is a killer record
if you dig mostly instrumental rock-metal with a bit of mid-eastern inspiration
and vibe at times. Some great guitar solos and I love the addition of all sorts
of cool instruments like Oud, kanun, Darbuka, and violin. Sword of Hakim is
very 70s Scorpions inspired (think Steamrock Fever!). You can check out the
video below. The Approach to Al-Mu`tasim is mid east inspired but has some
really heavy guitars and quite complex arrangements and tells an interesting
story. Taqsim brings things down with a short violin piece which leads into
Ballad of Zeta Brown, a track with a great bass line and hard driving groove
and guitars. Killer instrumental track. I could describe them all but this is
just a great record with one amazing track after another.
Eerie- Eerie
Eerie are a new SF bay area/east Coast four
piece project featuring a heavy bunch of players including guitarist Tim Lehi
(Draugar, Twilight), bassist Dave Sweetapple (Witch), drummer Moses Saarni
(Futur Skullz) and vocalist Shane Baker (Pins of Light, Alaric). This is the
bands debut and features 5 long tracks of heavy music. The production is very
light and open and not so dark and bassy, which gives it a more psychedelic
feeling to what could have been a very heavy record. Lots of metallic guitars,
aggressive riffs, powerful vocals and long songs. I could not find a web site or a video link
to any of their music, sorry. The CD has some really cool artwork, especially
inside the booklet! Enjoy.
Worshipper- Shadow Hymns
is a new Boston based band playing what I would call classic heavy metal,
inspired equally by the great bands of the 70s and 80s. High Above the Clouds
starts things off with a slow moody metal piece with some great vocals (both
lead and backing). Half way into the track they add some keyboards and spacey
sounds to the mix. Very melodic solos to mix with the keyboards (no one is
credited on the CD). Step Behind speeds things up with a heavier riff but also
keeps it melodic. Ghosts and Breath is really classic NWOBHM stuff with some
nice dual guitars. Darkness (See the video
below) is powerful track and also features some nice guitar playing. Reminds me
a bit of Savatage. Plae beyond the light is a more commercial 80s metal rocker. Another
Yesterday slows things down a bit and sounds like the first track. Wolf Song starts
off with the dual guitars and reminds me a bit of the Scorpions. Black Corridor
features a super cool guitar solo and finishes off this debut. Classic 80s
metal style.
Ruby the Hatchet- Planetary
Space Child (TPE196-2)
I have seen a lot written about his
band but never heard them before. The
band is based in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The band is a five piece with a
female lead singer (great voice!). This is the bands 3rd album since
2012. The album was recorded live in the studio in Philadelphia. The title
track starts things off with a keyboard sequence that slowly builds up before
the guitars kick in. The vocals start around 2 ½ mins and have this sort of
dreamy distant sound but fit in well with the sort of medieval theme! Killer is
next and has a nice headbanging groove to it. A nice compliment of guitars and
organ on this one. Pagan Ritual features
a cool phased out guitar and nice organ playing on a track that has a cool
build and maintains this aura of mystery. Great song. The Fool starts slowly
with everyone noodling about over the bass line before the main riff kicks in.
This is a quite moody track with a nice melodic guitar line and softly sung
vocals. Symphony of the Night is one of
the highlights of the record with its dreamy nature and slow heavy build. Great
track. Gemini licks in with a more rock and roll track, which is a nice change.
Lightning comes Again closes the album with a beautiful number. Cool band.
Sweet Apple- Sing the Night
in Sorrow (TPE197-2)
This is a band/project featuring members of Cobra Verde, Dinosaur Jr
and Witch. This is the group’s third
record. Mark Lanegan is also found on a track or two. This record is a real mix of pop, commercial
rock, grunge, and hard rock. I have not quite heard a record like this one that
twisted my head around and gave me really mixed feelings or whether this was
really cool or crap??? I am still not 100% sure I get this record but maybe you
will?? Check them out…
Biblical- The City that
always Sleeps (TPE199-2)
is the 2nd album by Toronto based Biblical and it features 8
tracks. The four piece of primarily
bass, drums, and two guitars, also throw in some analog synths here and
there. Mature Themes opens things up
with an aggressive track with some almost screamed vocals. The sound production
has this big loud open drum sound that gives it a special feel. The analog
synths fade out of the first track and into The last thing I Remember. It has a
long instrumental intro before the vocals kick in. A lot of effects on the
vocals on this track making it quite trippy. Regicide is a beautiful and moody
piece of music. Very cool. Fugue State features one Christine Boogie on pedal
Steel and again has this sort of dreamy Pink Floyd like quality to it and some nice
synth playing. The band is clearly a fan of Astra as well. Gallows Humor brings back a harder edge sound
and some more aggressive singing, while the music is still very melodic. Spiral
Staircase is an instrumental track that starts with some piano before the drums
kick in (loud!) and bit of a post-rock like feel to this track. The title track
starts off with a guitar solo and a laid back vocal mixed a bit back in the
mix. Some trippy delays in this track as well and a lot of reverb on the drum
kit. House of Knives closes the CD with a good rocking number and kicks us a
bit out of the dream state! A solid
record showing a lot of diversity.
Harsh Toke- Joy- Sacri
Monti- Burnout (TPE-198-2)

Joy kicks in
with Your time ain’t Long reminds me a lot of Blue Cheer, the bass, sound
production and just overall rawness and energy of the track. Killer track. Earth is a cover by the band ROAD. Great riff and killer lead guitar on this
track. Sacri Monti kicks off with an original called Over the Hill and features
some cool organ to compliment the intense guitar playing. Sleeping for Years
(Atomic Rooster) closes this release. All these bands are closely related
sharing different members and they will all play at Roadburn 2018…
Mirror Queen- Verdigris
It has been awhile since the last
Mirror Queen record. This one features 7 tracks and kicks off with Poignard.
This is real classic heavy metal, raise your sword and die for the king music!!
Great guitar solos. It reminds my wife
of Pentagram. Flying Eyes has a real classic 1974 Blue Oyster Cult feel to it
and some really nice playing and interaction between the band, as they stretch
this one out. Sorrows End/Dark Kiss of the Sun is another long track. A very
dark theme to this one, a real classic doom metal feel like old Candlemass! Starliner
(see video below) is a cool song and it even features a strong nod to Don’t
fear the Reaper by BOC at the 3min point followed by a great and long guitar
Verdigris, starts slowly with some dual harmony guitars as it slowly
builds up and Kenny kicks in with the vocals. The album ends with a more
uptempo rock and roll number called Curse the Night. I have to say, this is the bands best work
to date and an album I have really dug a lot.. Enjoy..