Solens Folk |
This was a three day event once again but at a different
location. Logistically it was quite crazy for the booker Kasper to work with
the people at Huset and pull it all together. Sue and I arrived around 18 on
Thursday and the first band we saw was a group called
Solens Folk (The Sun People), which features the drummer, guitar
player and bass player from Måneskjold (Moon Shield). IT was a strange mix of
spoken word stuff (with a guy wearing an old Army helmet), heavy doomy stuff to
totally spaced out soundscapes with just using the guitar and bass pedals and
small keyboard. Pretty cool actually. Met my friend Rune from Oslo there. The
schedule had changed a bit with times and bands so we had keep looking at the
new one.
Red Lama |
Red Lama was a 7
piece Danish band with hand drums, synth, lead vocals, two guitars, bass and
drums. The opening track the singer sounded a lot like the Jim Morrison, the
style, not the voice and the song was pretty cool. We only saw the next 2-3
songs and it became more melodic and standard 80s inspired rock music. It was
not for us.
Duncan McKnight and Friend |
We caught a couple of songs of an American living in
Copenhagen, named
Duncan McKnight.
He seemed kind of stoned or drunk, a small guy but we was really passionate
about his songs. A female lady who occasionally banged an empty plastic bottle
on the chair for percussion accompanied him. It was quite a small crowd for most of the acts in the Analog Bar. They seem to be enjoying themselves.
Papir |
Papir played an
amazing 75 mins set with at least one new song called Syre Rock (Acid Rock),
where Nicklas played some really cool guitar. I don’t think I have seen the
band for over a year and they still are amazing. The first part of the show was
perhaps some more dreamy stuff but then they really got some energy. IT was
super hot in the Haut. Temperature will be a problem. Very packed and people
were into it.
Dune Messiah |
Back at the Analog Bar for
Dune Messiah, which was one guy with an electric guitar playing
some of his songs. Nothing special and only about 15 people. We arrived at the
st Floor to check out
I have seen this crazy duo twice before and they always put on an amazing
performance. These two guys are totally mad, but so passionate about the art
rock they make. Small drum kit, guitars, French horn, Novation synth and
whatever else they can find, they play it, smash, trash, but sting together,
have a groove, a beat…. Far out and what a blast.. Cool stuff.
Kogekunst |
Lorenzo from Baby
Woodrose was playing a solo acoustic show in the main hall, Haut but it was
totally packed and they limit the number of people inside so we could not get
in. We just had a breather before
Stora Vilan from Sweden. This was a really great band and we saw the entire
concert before going up to see White Hills. My friend Silvana from Berlin had
Anyway, they were a four piece
with two guitars, bass and drums. One of the guitar players and bass player
sang lead vocal. The drummer also sang backing vocals. They sounded a lot
like early Wishbone Ash. The program said the
Grateful Dead but they were not that laid back and bluesy. We quite enjoyed
them… A decent crowd as well.
Den Stora Vilan |
Set List: Disney, G-Takt, I Morgen, Stöloen, Anton, Domino, Geoiginte au, Det vi ej Förstår, Rock Låten, Drömmen Iprack
Now you had to chose between White Hills in the hot main hall or Sonic Dawn in the Analog bar or Nils Gröndhal on the 1st floor. Clearly, most people
chose to go home, as it was 23:45 on Thursday or go to the other shows, as
there was only about half a full room for White Hills. I had played with White
Hills the last two times they were in Copenhagen but it was quite hectic for
them coming in late from Berlin, not a very organized staff at the venue, etc.
so it was not going to happen this time. Anyway, the band had rearranged the
set and added a couple of different tracks from the last tour in April. The
opened with a long extended opening for Radiate to open the show and then into
Lead the Way. It was nice to hear In Your Room from the previous record (not
the new one), which they did not play any songs from on the April tour. Then we
got the 4 new songs, Let the Right, LSD or USB, No Will and Automated City.
Dave takes off his guitar for two of these tracks and Ego and Rodney lay down
the heavy groove so Dave can sing, rap, play this synth and sampler. He really
gives it all… The show ended with the
amazing and spacey Don’t be Afraid and Pads of Light. No encore and in fact the
audience quickly left giving them little time to even tries to sell any merch. Actually,
seems a pity they don’t have a proper merch area for the bands, as this is how
they make some money, especially the Danish bands that play for nearly
nothing. Anyway, that was the end and
White Hills killed it. They are such a powerful and amazing band, giving 200%
every night and really a league ahead of all the rest of the bands that played.
Hard to compete with this. They deserve to be the headline band and to have the
room totally packed.
White Hills |
Day 2
A lot of amazing bands are playing today and the first gig
ever in Denmark by Vibravoid, who I met briefly last night as we were leaving
the venue at 01:30 in the morning. I am quite tired today and hope to have the
energy to see Yuri Gagarin at 01:15 in the morning. I have to leave the
festival and go pick up Black Moon Circle at the airport at 21:10 and then we
will all come back and hopefully catch some of Vibravoid, Hills, Goibia…..
Goibia and Vibravoid overlap, which is kind of silly they did not split this
up.. Anyway..
Måneskjold |
Sue and I arrived about 17:50 and went straight up to the Musikcafeen
to soundcheck with
Things were a little behind and trouble with the drum sound but I got all my
stuff set up on the side off the stage as there was no room on the stage.
I played on the first song and then I joined
again after 3 songs for Bilspil and Dødsdrom. Then they decided to play a new
song that I had never heard and Kasper said to keep playing. They got a good
response from the audience and I think I did cool stuff on Bilspil and Dødsdrom
but was not so happy about the first song. We see what the recording sounds
Bellhound Choir |
Moongazing Hare |
We caught a
few songs of
Bellhound Choir, which was Kristian from Pet the Preacher with a
violin accompaniment. I had seen him sound before and liked it. This was a bit
different. They had a 12” EP out now. Not many people watching them, which was
the fate of a lot of the small bands, the Danes are very social so they all sit
outside and smoke and only go see the bands that they really know. It was also
insanely hot inside the building.. There were even fewer people in the Analog Bar for
Moongazing Hare, an interesting outfit playing according, tibetan bowls, plucked guitar, and synths.. We saw about half the
Black Lizard show. This is a Finnish band that was a lot like Brian
Jonestown Massacre with a bit of hypnotic Wooden Shjips through in…
They had two guitar players but neither one
of them played any real solos. A few small freakouts but mostly just rhythmic
guitar. Crowd like it..
Black Lizard |
I now had to run to the airport and pick up the Black Moon
Circle guys and come back. That went smoothly but it was 50mins from the time
the plane landed before they came out of the customs. I had last seen them in
Trondheim 1 and half years ago but it was like old friends meeting yesterday.
Great guys..
Anyway, saw the last 30 seconds of Vibravoid and found Sue with my friend Silvana outside their show,
where it was cooler. Seems Vibravoid had
a great show and the room was pretty full. So hot! We next went downstairs and saw the Hills. That was a fantastic show and
they played for about 65mins. Really awesome bass player and female tribal
drummer. They give the others the room to totally space out. My friend Sven
even did some spoken words early on in the set. He had done this before as
well. Cool concert but so hot in that room..
Baby Jesus was
rocking out and people were dancing but it was loud, hot and the sound pretty
harsh in the 1
st Floor Elevation room.
Fribyttedrømme was filled up so we could not
get in. Sue was a bit disappointed as we had such a great time at the show last
time. I ran into Fredrik, one of the guys filming and taking pics and he said
it was great and Lau got the audience to lie on the floor and that was great.
Pity we missed it.
Yuri Gagarin |
Last band of the night for us was
Yuri Gagarin. I had seen them a couple of years ago. They will have
a new 7” out in a few weeks but did not have it yet. Not sure if they played
new stuff as it all sounded like one massive wall of bass, guitar, drums and a
few synths sounds and wind floating over the top. The lead guitar player that
gives the band the melody, and creates the focus of the songs was so low you
could not hear him at all unless you were in the front. I tried to tell him he
had to turn up but he was as loud as it could go he said, so there must have been a problem with the cabinet. Anyway, no one could hear him in the room. Pity as it
ruined their show. It all sounded like the same song over and over without his
parts. Very powerful band.
Set List: Sonic Invasion, Oblivion. Sea of Dust, New Order, Turkish Big RIP
By the time we got home it was 2:45. Damn late and I was
Day 3
11:00 Up again but need more rest if I am to play well today.
Most of the others are still asleep. We
don’t play with BMC until 23:20 tonight, so need to conserve ourselves. I might
play with Syreregn also.. Thor sent an
SMS and he would like me to play on 2-3 songs.
The Orange Grove |
Set List for Orange Grove: Ladybird>Jam, When the Sun>Milk and Honey, California Night, Desert Mind, Blue Soul, Dreaming
Tidebound |
19:00 We arrived a bit late today and missed
Skifting, which I wanted to see. We saw
the first 4-5 songs of the Grateful Dead inspired
The Orange Grove, a new
Danish band with three guitars plus pedal steel. The steel player also played
some keyboards.
IT was nice music but
they never took their songs to the next level and despite having three guitar players
solos were very rare or they were like 10 seconds long…
Saw a few minutes of
Tidebound (Dave and friends) playing dark acoustic music.
I now had to go prepare for playing with
Syreregn in the basement Analog Bar. I think this was the 5
th time I
played with the band. Nice to see Thor, Rasmus and Jacob again. The bar was
really crowded for
Syreregn and it
was fun to play on some of these tracks I played on the record. Mathias also joined on bongo for the first two more spacey tracks. It was a difficult sound
for me on the stage but I tried to manage. I think we played a great show of
psychedelic blues rock and straight up blues rock. Great band. The audience loved it and wanted more..
Set List: Marana Tha, Skabt værk Består, Sol over Rejkevik, Hypnokongen, Time the Time, Tag solen Ned
Now I had to get all my gear back upstairs to play with
Black Moon Circle in a few hours. Causa
Sui was next and this was their first gig in Denmark in 2 years. I had
spoken with the guys in the band in the garden and they were all in a great
mood. They have a new bass player that moment, while Jess is busy taking care
of his 2nd child, who was recently born. I loved the concert but I
could only see the first 40mins or so and then I had to go set up.
Set List: Juice, Homage, Grunge (new song, just a working title), Jn-Jn, Red Valley, El Fuego
Causa Sui |
Black Moon Circle
concert was well attended and we played excellent. It was all songs from the
first two records but quite long jammed out versions at times. These 5 tracks
was about an hour. Vemund was killing it on the guitar! I felt inspired and had
a great time. The modular was not packed in a really good way and I had no time
to figure it out so I was limited…. The jamming in Machine on the Hill and Andromeda was amazing. This is a band that has a great interaction between the musicians and is able to take one of their normal songs out into the stratosphere!
Black Moon Circle |
Set List: Plains, American Eagle, Jack’s Cold Sweat, Machine
on the Hill, Andromeda
There were so many other cool bands playing this day but
there was no time to see Indian Jewelry, Oracles (Germany), Madman’s Moustache
(Sweden), and De Underjordiske, Catch the Breeze….
It was a great festival but running up and down all these
flights of stairs, the Musikcafeen and Haut, being over 30C inside, was pretty
tough so a lot of people just hung out in the garden and only went and saw a
few bands, which was good as there was not enough space in these rooms for
everyone anyway. The event was sold out and great weather outside and the vibe
and decorations were fantastic. Kasper Fjord, the booker, did a great job to pull
this all together and his mostly volunteer staff also worked pretty well.
Nearly all bands were on time and all went pretty well. Let’s see if they do it
another place next year. Next CPH Psych fest event is Nov 20th with
Øresund Space Collective and Kungens Mand (Sweden)..
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