Saturday, October 20, 2018

Frozen Planet 1969- The Heavy Medicinal Grand Exposition (Pepper Shaker Records)

Frank Attard’s Frozen Planet 1969 is putting out high quality psychedelic guitar workouts on a pretty regular basis these days. This is the 3rd album in 20 months and clock in at about 47 mins and the 6th by the band.  It is released on vinyl and CD on November 1st.  “A concept album about a travelling medicine show.  Parts 1 through 6 of the title-track serve as the acts of the show. The band takes twists and turns to help guide you through the story, while Doctor Berner, with the help of some colourful characters, is on a quest to sell bottles of his glowing green elixir (which will apparently cure any pain or deliver anyone from evil!)”

The title track is one long 39min jam that takes many twists and turns on it’s long journey. There are real rocking sections with some Hendrixy guitar followed by very slow sections with a lot of experimenting with delays and effects on the guitar while the drums and bass just keep it going. You just have to go with the flow. It might seem a bit slow in sections but it always builds back up.  The final 6 min track is Encore: A Herbal Miracle.  This one id lead by a great bass line and then some powerful solo guitar with some fast runs, nice delays and good drive.  If you are a fan of instrumental guitar driven rock and roll with lots of solos, then check these guys out. Hope they one day make it to Europe to play some gigs.

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