Friday, October 18, 2024

Black Spy- Songs of Dissonance (Art Safari AS0011)

This is the 2nd album by this interesting Finnish band from Helsinki. The trio play a strange mix of noisy, dissonant rock music with a bit of psych influence at times..   Hollow Ground starts things off with a nasty noisy guitar tone and riff and stays this way except in the vocal sections which are quite melodic!! Rat Race is a more heavy rocker a bit of psych at times. New Dark Age starts off spacey but gets loud and nasty as it gets going. The song Nothing kicks up the tempo a notch. I really like this one. Ocean of Fears is more melodic. Fall, is my fave track and long 16mins freakout of sorts….. Strange, weird and wonderful band… A lot of people will not quite get it though!!

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