Saturday, July 29, 2017

Voigt/465- Slights Still Unspoken (1978-1979) MENT013

This is a real strange artifact from the late 70s. A bizzare mixture of new wave, punk and psychedelic stuff.  The band was formed in Sydney, Australia in 1976.  The band was a five piece with male and female vocals. This record was released in 1979.  State is an uptempo new wave track. A Secret West is a synth driven slower track with dual vocals. These first two tracks were released on a now rare 7” back in 1978. The next 9 tracks make up the Slights Still Record and it starts off with Voices of a Drama.  This features some intense vocals from Rae. She also takes the lead on the manic, frantic and freaked out A Welcome Mystery. Reminds me a lot of Sparks. Pere Ubu also comes to mind. Red Lock on See Steal features a quite annoying synth note that is repeated over and over as the beat hammers you with the 1-2-1-2 beat that starts the piece off. Anyone heard of Faust? Imprint brings back some energy to the record but is also quite strange especially the keyboard lines that give it this totally freaky nature. Many Risk is a fast paced one and more guitar oriented but also quite frantic and on the edge and then just strange. Is New Is reminds me of the Plasmatics without the heavy metal guitar but with a keyboard line. 4 Hours is a sort of mood piece but also punky. P is a bit slower with some CAN like vocal lines. F1 is a very strange track Faust meets Henry Cow!  Winchsoul  brings back a bit of noisy rock with intense vocals. There are also two more bonus tracks. A very intriguing and strange but cool album Wow.

For the digital download you get three totally unreleased live tracks.
The CD and LP versions are quite different including a different track order.

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