Thursday, October 3, 2024

Ozric Tentacles-Stengade, København, DK Sept 27th, 2024

I arrived at the venue about 16 and the nightliner was there and all the gear was in the venue and doors wide open. There was Ed. He saw me and said Hello Scott and has been a long time and we shock hands.  He then went back to his guitar and I said hello to Silas, Pat the drummer, light guy Jasper (Fruit Salad Lights), sound guy and Cory, the new bass player, Saski… It was lovely.  I had a chat with Ed about his guitar effects, if they brought an extra Supernovation II with them on tour incase one went down but they only bring an extra power supply and since they bought the extra power supply they have had no problems!! I watched the sound check. They mostly use it to just adjust the in ear monitoring, playing a bit of Eternal Wheel, Sploosh, Throbbe and that was it it. No complete song.  Sound was great but the drums are too loud. This sound guy they have had for more than 10 years brings a great clarity to the sound but the drums are like 50% of all the sound.. If he brought them down 20%, he could the best soundman I have heard with them but no way..

Concert was sold out. I stayed until about 1815 and went and had some dinner while they had caterered vegan food, which Cory loved but a lot of the band/crew said it was one of the worst meals of the tour. Pity… 

Anyway, Doors opened at 20 and the place filled up and we all hung out in the bar. I saw and spoke to lots of old friends (Mikael Krog and his girlfriend, Magnus and Sonja, Jesper, Peter, Yann, Finn, and Christina, and many others..)   Silas and Saski started a bit after 9 and played a great set. Cory played bass on nearly all their songs and it was great. It is very Ozric like in some ways but with their own more world music twist. She as a beautiful voice and plays lovely guitar and flute as well. It would be more powerful if they had a real drummer.  The programmed drums are good (too loud) and they have great songs. Silas (who looks a lot like a young Steve Hillage), is a great guitar player and keyboard player. They said their album is nearly finished and will for sure be out next year. Tonight was their last gig on this tour. 

Set List: Vespers, Spheres, Allisone, Universal, Moonsong, Dreamer, Milky, Shaow, Shakti

Ozrics were on pretty fast after they finished. I missed 15 seconds of the intro on the recording. The started with Eternal Wheel and then into Erpland. Wow.. Great start.. It was a fantastic show of old and 3 songs from the new album. Lotus unfolding, Green Incantation and Burundi Space Port, which I do not think they played before this tour. Ayervedic was one of my faves and not sure I had ever seen them play it before.  We got the Throbbe, Sunscape, Mooncalf, and ended the show with Sploosh… It was almost 100 min show. 

Set list: Eternal Wheel, Erpland, The Domes of G´Bal, Lotus Unfolding, Sunscape, Burundi Space Port, Ayurvedic, The Throbbe, New song, Jelly Lips, Sploosh 

Sadly, we got no projections tonight and the lights were ok but I wanted the projections… It is a bit hard in this club with the low ceiling but ØSC, we always manage..  Anyway, amazing night. I hung around a bit after and talked with the band, and Magnus and Sonja..  Awesome night… 

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