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Monday, March 17, 2025

Dead Shrine- Cydonia Mensa (Kozmik Artifactz)

Dead Shrine is a side project of Craig (Arc of Ascent, Lamp of the Universe) and more similar to Arc but with a bit more of a stoner influence while Arc is more in the SLEEP vein.   This is the 2nd album under this name. 

Track List:

1. Serpents of the Sun 4:27
2. Cydonia Mensa 5:41
3. Scared Light 4:40
4. Monuments 6:19
5. Temple of Saturn 5:06
6. Redeemer 4:07
7. Evolution Garden 4:27
8. Illumination Through Knowledge 7:51

Serpents of the Sun starts with a very doomy riff and then a groove kicks followed by a john Garcia inspired vocal. The title track is next and slows things down quite a bit. Nice guitar parts and backing vocals as well as this just is slow and stoned. Sacred Light continues in the same vein with powerful vocals in perfect sync with the heavy groove. Monuments has a slow fade up and then a riff you have heard on a lot of doom records, kicks in but this one is a bit more distorted and nasty and the chants at the beginning remind you of LOTU.  I feel like Craig already wrote this one before?? Temple of Saturn is more of stoner rocker but with the same fuzzy but less doomy guitar.  Redeemer is another mid paced heavy fuzzy, groove rocker.  Passionate vocals, stoned groove. Love the nasty wah solo on this one. Evolution starts off with acoustic and electric solo guitar in a more tranquil space, similar to Lamp of the Universe space. Illumination through Knowledge starts with some organ and synth sweeps before the monster riffs kick in. This one has a lot more going on and is a bit more spacey and a great way to end this record. 

If you like your stoner doom (hard to do something totally unique in this genre now) straight forward killer riffing, great solos, powerful vocals and cool lyrics, this is a a great adventure. Only 200 copies on vinyl so get it soon… 

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