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Saturday, February 1, 2020

Kosmos- Ajan Peili (Kosmos 005)

This is the 5th album (The Mirror of Time) from the Finnish band Kosmos. I have been a big fan of all their work and was so grateful to receive the new album  (Kiitos Olli!) in the mail to review. I am pretty sure it is the same crew as the last album and once again if features a set of magical tunes.  The title track starts things off with a long fade in of a repeated keyboard line before that suddenly drops out and the acoustic guitar and mellotron takes the lead.  Beautiful music.  Päivi has a magical voice that suits this music so well. The mellotron parts are fantastic on this song. Very interesting lyrics as well. Eilinen (Yesterday) is a happy uptempo track with some drums, bass, guitar and violin. Lapsen Uni (Always Close) is a more melancholy with the organ and some traditional Finnish instruments being mixed in as well (Ksylofon, taalmala). Aina Lähellä (Towards the Sky) is a floating track with the focus on the voice. Floating and happy. Kohti Taivasta finishes side A and features the shrutibox, some congas and a really nice drony start and then the acoustic guitar brings in the happiness of spring!

Side A starts with Salainen Oppi (The Secret Doctrine).  It starts with voice and piano and later features a saxophone solo, the first on this record.  The mellotron really changes the mood with the voices and airy floating feeling.  Jatkuvuus (Continuity) is a dark mysterious track, a bit like GONG, with a guy named Juha doing some spoken word.  Minä Olen (I Am) is a long nearly 12 min track and the one I have played the most. I really love this track. It is very dynamic, with a slow beautiful beginning but becomes the most heavy track the band has ever recorded.  IT also features a spoken word by Juha and some great lyrics.

The album features very nice artwork and as is normal with this band you get an insert with the lyrics in both Finnish and English as all the songs are sung in Finnish, the bands native tongue. 

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