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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Freakout in the Fjord- Trondheim, Norway Nov 17th, 2017

Wow.. it took 10 years to get ØSC back to play in Norway.  I flew in from Copenhagen, Hasse from Narvik, Tim from CPH, Jonathan from Stockholm and Sabine from Hamburg.  Vemund from BMC will play guitar and Lars (SEID) will play synths, as he did 10 years ago when we played Fru Lundgren!

This will be a gig with Red Mountains (Local stoner doom) and Black Moon Circle. Venue is very cool. Weather has been all over the place today from heavy wet snow to sunny but all cold and soon it will be dark again. It is winter in Norway!!!

Red Mountains are on at 21, ØSC about 22 and BMC at 23:30. 

The day was not as we had expected after Jonathan sent an SMS saying his flight from Stockholm was cancelled and he would arrive later. He was flown to Bergen and then stuck there for 6 hrs. His next flight from there was cancelled and then it was not until 21:15 that he could get a flight and then that was an hour late so he missed the ØSC concert completely. Fuck..  Anyway…. Soundchecks went fine, Sabine and Tim found the place about the time BMC had finished soundcheck. I took them to see their apartment and take the rest of the bedding and then we went to go eat at RAMP, a cool place near the venue. Burger place. Hasse showed up while we were eating there. The Red Mountain guys and all the sound crew also ate there. Good food. 330kr for Tim, Sabine (we shared a burger) and me with water.

Red Mountains started at 21. Very nice people and good players. They played for about 50 people and a good set of songs from their two albums.  They had one track that they jammed out with a great bluesy solo. We all thought this was very cool and the audience gave a good response as well. They need to do that 2-3 times in their set.  Good job guys.

ØSC (foto by Sabine)
Øresund Space Collective, our set up was pretty fast and since Jonathan was not there, so we got Troels (Dog and Sky, other bands..) to play guitar with us. We called Snah from Motorpsycho as he really wanted to come out and jam with BMC but he just arrived back today from 6 weeks on tour, so I did not expect he would be able to make it. Anyway, our set started very spacey and then Tim and Hasse got the look and decided it was time to kick up the energy level and it started!!!  The grooves had this special, intensity and edge to the music and Vemund really found himself eventually and was able to let loose. Not as many guitar solos as expected but just a lot of spacey freaky energy and a true freakout in the Fjord! The set was about 55mins. I really wanted to play one more jam but I knew it would be difficult to keep it to 10mins or less so we just stopped. People dug the show.

Black Moon Circle, we started just about 23:30, and the audience was at its peak, about 100 people in the room. I felt like we had a bit of a rough start, their were a couple of false starts or mistakes on the vocals at the start, but musically we were great and interesting and I felt like I made pretty cool layers of sound.  Jonathan arrived at the end of Plains and could have come in on Lunar Rocket but waited until Warp Speed. He had been listening to the track so he could play with the band and that worked amazing. That was probably 35mins long tonight with super cool parts. I made some really heavy wind at the beginning for the first part.  I think we played 75mins, 3 songs…
Black Moon Circle (Foto by Sabine)
Their was a big party after the gig and everyone was in a good mood. The old drummer from BMC, Peran, he was impressed with the gig and thought Simon did a great job.  People were smoking a lot in the backstage and it was too smokey for me but it was the best place to hang out.  Party went on until about 0200. Everyone agreed this was a blast and there will be another Freak out in the Fjord next year for sure..

Thanks to all the great sound people, the people who filmed the whole event on several cameras and Magnus for making the multitrack!! I think you will get to see this one on you tube at some point..

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