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Saturday, April 2, 2016

Yoshiwara- From the Depths, Blasting into the Present Fanzine #1

Our good friends from Northern Ireland have started a new printed fanzine focusing on psychedelic music. Danny and his mates previously did pariah Child, which focused on underground metal but this is something totally different. A5 size, nice colour cover and glossy B&W print on the inside. Some really great interviews, even though some are 1-2 years old. Interviews with Krautzone, Lamp of the Universe, Owl Glitter, Annot Ruhl, Giallo Disco, Night Satan, Kommun2 Record owner Tobias, Moloch, Earthling Society, Dementia Five and many more. Also included record reviews, etc…. 104 pages total. The interviews with Annot Rhul and Tobias from Kommun2 were really enlightening. A lot of diverse music is covered in this zine from psychedelic rock to experimental music to local Irish folk, etc.. Lots to read and  lots of cool hand drawn artwork as well. You can order the zine from the link below!

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